I am so grateful for the wonderful service that was done for my grandpa on Tuesday 1/3/12. The service was wonderful and so many wonderful things were said about my grandpa! Shaileen and I were asked to sing How Great Thou Art. We were doing real well and I even looked at my Grandma and she was smiling as big as can be. Then both Shaileen and I looked at my Dad at the exact same time and we both started crying. It made me think of how lucky I am to have the parents I do and how grateful I am as well. It made me feel a sliver of what my mom is going through this week.

There were apples everywhere because everyone called him Grandpa Apple!

The Pallbearers

Uncle Tom and Grandma
I think it was so cool to be able to see genuine smiles on my Mom's and Grandma's faces. On of my favorite photos of the day

Bret and I showing off our skinny ties. Grandpa was known for his skinny ties and so each one of us wore one in his honor. That is one thing I will certainly cherish forever!

It is very seldom that we get pictures together because I am always holding the camera! I love it!

Shaileen and Grandma

Pam putting flowers in Terry's grave

Grandma as Taps was being played...

I have to give a special THANK YOU to the Honor Guard of the Air Force. They did a wonderful job. They certainly made the service what it was.

Everyone got balloons to let go in the air. Grandma was told to let her go first.

This is easily my favorite photo of the day. This is my uncles grave that passed away at 6 years old. I just wonder what was going through my Grandma's head. I am sure she is thinking of Grandpa and Terry just reuniting again and can't wait to do the same with them.

Thanks for sharing! Grandpa is a great man and example~